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Into the Words: LVW's Premier Summer Event

LVW is once again presenting the biennial treat, Into the Words -  An ALL DAY EVENT at the Jerry Johnson's Beautiful Homestead in Irasburg. 

(The 2021 version of this event was a foreshortened, masked and social-distanced affair.) This year, 2023, it is once again a full-day, in-person program being held at Jerry Johnson's Schoolhouse home and grounds at 870 Creek Road, Irasburg, VT. Jerry opens his home and several outbuildings for this memorable event. Our keynote speaker will be Paula Munier!

Rain or Shine, LVW members and friends will gather August 19, 2023.

All purchased tickets are good for the new date. Refunds are available on request if you cannot attend due to the date change in July due to storms.

The day will begin at 8:30; have four sessions of workshops with a choice of three presentations each session. More information and links for sign up can be found here:


In the earliest days of the League, programs focused on gatherings for members to share ideas and to spend time together. In 2015 a special summer program planning committee worked to orchestrate a day-long retreat that paid homage to LVW members while still being open to the public. Purposefully named ‘Into the Words,’ playing off the hit-musical and movie "Into the Woods," the planning committee wanted to create that feeling of getting lost in the thing that you love (words) with others who love the same thing (writers).  

For the inaugural event, the day was comprised of members showcasing their skills and talents by leading a variety of half-hour and hour-long sessions (from craft to publishing to the writing life) and exhibiting their work in a designated Member Showcase area.

There was a lunch break that featured a 10-minute play, Fish and Game, written by member, Marge Sharp, and a reading from our host, member, poet, and children’s book author, Jerry Johnson.

Later in the afternoon, following more sessions, LVW offered an ice cream and watermelon social complete with music, written and performed by another member, Mark Pendergrast. Throughout the day there was a fundraising tag sale and a storytelling open-mic lead by member, Recille Hamrill. And this summary only scratches the surface of what kind of energy and enthusiasm the day brought and what level of inspiration was felt by all.

The retreat was a huge success and everyone raved about it at the end of the day, so we have made it a new biennial tradition to happen alternate to the years we are hosting the “Writers Meet Agents” event.